Relaxed Working

Relaxation is something not many folks think about while working. Why is that? It seems that to some, stress and aggravation are part of a typical working experience – especially if, like me, you work from home.

Relaxed Working
Photo by Farrel Nobel / Unsplash

Relaxation is something not many folks think about while working. Why is that? It seems that to some, stress and aggravation are part of a typical working experience – especially if, like me, you work from home. To me it makes no sense. I have a home that I live in, and a work area free from being able to cause discomfort to my colleagues. I can burn candles, listen to loud music (outside of meetings, of course), or generally just be comfortable in my own place. I should be happy with my work, not feeling like I have to be "corporate" at all times. I feel like I do my best work when I'm not feeling anxious at all times.

I'd like to share with you my "relaxation" methods while working to keep life sane and prevent those feelings of stress and anxiety that come from working from home. The three categories I'll share are smells, sounds, and taste.


I love good smells. Whether it be florals, citrus or fruits, or woody pine scents, I generally have a real appreciation for good scents, and they help my brain escape from being in front of computer screens all day. I use two tools for my scents: incense and candles. They tend to serve different purposes. Incense brings a bit of a smoky smell along with the scents they're imbued with and can linger for days, and candles tend to give richer aromas but the scent generally fades within an hour or two.

My current favorite incense is this type of cone from Plant Guru in a Japanese Cherry Blossom scent. Lightly floral, slightly smoky scents give a very nice ambiance, almost like sitting by a campfire in a cherry tree grove in spring.

A package of Plant Guru incense cones
Plant Guru incense cones

I also found an incense burner that makes me very happy, and every time I look at it brings me joy. It's a burner in the design of Vault Boy from the Fallout series of video games who is sitting in a barrel marked radioactive. As the incense burns, the smoke rises out of the barrel as if the toxic waste is smoking ominously.

A Vault Boy incense burner, as described previously, with smoke wafting out of the vents on the barrel.
Vault Boy incense burner

Candles are generally easier to find, though. I use Yankee Candles a lot, but generally I get whatever smells nice when I visit a store. You can usually get like 12+ hours of burning out of candles, so they do last a decent length of time. Incense is quicker burning but lingers more. Ultimately it's your choice of poison.

Other options that exist but I've not tried include oil burners, wax burners, and things like glade air fresheners and the like. Finding something that makes you feel comfortable is the key.


Sound is another tool that can transport you, while still being productive. Music is the obvious answer here: pick a genre you love, fire up Spotify or YouTube Music, and let it do its thing. The other answer is soundscapes.

Musical choice is as varied as love for color or tastes for various types of food. There's no wrong answer, but only what you like. Picking a good type of music to listen to that allows your brain to focus in and knock things out is primary to making music work.

In the event you're not vibing with music, consider using soundscapes. This is white noise-style audio that is supposed to be reminiscent of specific situations. For example, I enjoy listening, on occasion, to the sound of urban rain: rain drops hitting the pavement, with the occasional sound of a car driving by through the rain. Growing up in cities my whole life, and the two main places I've lived being Florida and Washington, the sounds of rain and vehicles moving through it is a taste of home and relaxation. Another favorite of mine is beach sounds: the waves lapping, with an occasional gull crying and the wind blowing softly. Ideal for a former beach bum like myself. Soundscapes can provide a way to escape, while still enabling you to get through the challenges work presents.


This is important for a number of reasons. Health is so hard to maintain properly when you're in front of a computer for 8+ hours a day. Picking beverages to stay hydrated is super key! If you're not doing so already, get a water bottle and keep it filled throughout your day! Drinking fluids, especially water, is critical for your brain to function, and without that you're compromising your work (and, to be honest, your mood and happiness).

Pick something you love to drink and have it as part of your daily routine. If you love coffee or tea, pick some low-impact versions (decaf or low-caf coffee, herbal or rooibos teas, etc.) that you can sip on through the day. Believe it or not, a flavor you enjoy sipped throughout the day can do wonders for mood and focus.

I start my mornings with coffee to perk myself up. I have a pretty heavy caffeine addiction, which I know isn't the healthiest thing, but I own it. Been that way for years. After my morning coffee, whether hot or cold, I fill up my favorite water bottle and sip down the contents. It's about 16 ounces, so it forces me to take short breaks to go refill throughout the day.

From there, I try to pick a hot tea to have to round out my day. A nice chamomile works, but any herbal tea is great! In addition, if you do have a caffeine addiction like me, I love Earl Grey tea. You can get it decaf as well. Having a black, green, or white tea with proper tea leaves will actually promote relaxation because of an amino acid called L-theanine. Per

L-theanine: This amino acid, found in tea leaves, can increase gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that can reduce the brain's stress response. L-theanine also increases alpha waves in the brain, which can help you relax.

Drinking tea is a soothing experience, especially if couple with the ritual of regularly drinking it. It's never a bad idea to give it a try. You can even sweeten it with honey or other natural sweetener like agave nectar or stevia, if that's to your taste.

Relaxation isn't just for non-work times

Keep in mind that self-care is important, and relaxing and ensuring you're comfortable is key to making life less stressful, calmer, and ultimately a more enjoyable experience. Do what you have to do to be happy while still kicking up success in your daily work.